AI Music Companies Don't Want You To Know This

· By Will Harken

AI Music Companies Don't Want You To Know This

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Here's a wild, yet unsettling fact about AI music generators that nobody's talking about. As tools like Suno and Udio gain traction, there might be a hidden motive behind their growing fame that you'd want to know.

Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with these companies. This is purely my speculation. If I were in their shoes, here's what I'd do with user data.

Generative AI Music Producer

The Secret Behind AI Music Generators 🎵

An open secret: these AI music tools can’t write entire songs well—yet. Even with precise prompts, they usually need several tries to produce something usable.

Udio probably generates 30-second snippets because they know AI's limitations in creating a full, good song.

By having lots of users generate and provide feedback on these song snippets, tools like Udio and Suno can learn what humans really want.

Music isn't fully automated yet. But, with enough data, it sure could be.

👉👉THE BIG POINT: Your choices are shaping AI’s understanding of creativity. Depending on your viewpoint, this could be either good or bad.

Want to help create personalized music or swap lyrics in a song? Visit this page to get started!

Music Team

The Bias in AI-Generated Songs 🤖

If you don't want to help these companies train AI models to think like humans, you might want to avoid these tools.

But, trust me, many won't stop using them.

The songs created will be biased. Algorithms mirror the audience's feedback, not the broader public.

Expect a selection bias—a high number of users without a music background.

Out of 100 users, you might find only one professional musician.

Good music is what people want anyway.

What's keeping AI from fully taking over music? Understanding human creativity and predicting what we call "good."

The Lyrics Conundrum

One major area where bias shows up? The lyrics.

Many folks might be happy with ChatGPT-generated lyrics.

But compare these lyrics to a professionally written song, and it’s clear they don’t match up. Not that all radio hits are masterpieces, though.

Some might see bland 4-line AABB verses and think they're fine.

But look at almost any successful song ever—they aren’t just four-line stanzas.

Key point: You’ll probably find songs from these platforms that seem good to users but don't feel quite right when compared to mainstream hits.

A Word of Caution for Aspiring AI Music Creators

Know this: your choices will help these tools replace your creative process.

Some say this is bad; it’s the next step to replacing artists.

Others say it’s good; it makes high-quality music creation accessible.

If you’re eyeing a career in music, be aware that your finesse could get replaced by AI updates.

Still, I’ll keep using these tools. Making original music hasn’t been a money-maker for a while (unless you have cash and connections).

Besides, it’s happening whether we add to the data or not.

Want my help creating personalized music and audio? Check out this page. 😉