Man singing a custom song to woman

· By Will Harken

How Much Are Custom Songs & Where Can I Buy Them

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Custom songs are a fantastic way to celebrate life's special moments. Whether it's for a birthday, anniversary, wedding, or just because, a song created specifically for your memories is an unforgettable gift. But now for the question on everyone's mind... How much do custom songs cost? And where can you buy them? This post will answer those questions. 👍

Understanding Custom Songs

Custom songs come in various forms. For this article, we're focusing on demo quality songs offered at consumer-friendly prices, often aimed at gift givers. They might not have the high-end production of commercial songs, but they can still sound great.

The affordability of these custom songs usually means they are produced quickly, which might limit the creative process somewhat. Despite this, to someone who isn't a music professional, these songs can sound perfect.

Remember, creativity in music, like any art form, is expensive. It often involves exploring many ideas that don't work before finding the one that does. Just ask Thomas Edison. "I didn't fail. I just found 2000 ways not to make a lightbulb."

Companies Offering Custom Songs

Businesses like Music Made Pro, Songfinch, and Songglorious have made a name for themselves in the custom song industry.

These companies have capitalized on the rise of home recording technology, which has dramatically reduced the cost of producing music.

With a setup costing less than $200, home producers can rationalize charging around $200 for a custom song that takes less than eight hours to create—a fraction of the cost in a traditional studio.

Music Made Pro

Music Made Pro stands out for versatility and efficiency. Starting at $149, they offer a range of services including expedited delivery, lyric videos, original music, a buyout license, and additional AI voices.

What makes Music Made Pro unique is the ability to use any voice for your original song, including voices of famous singers, and the option to change the lyrics of any existing song—a service not offered by Songfinch. They also offer full buyout licenses so songs can be used for any purpose.


Songfinch excels in brand recognition and Google search visibility. Their service starts at $199, with various add-ons available, from digital options like photo slideshows and printable lyric art to physical ones like CDs and vinyl records.

Songfinch’s platform limits you to choosing artists available on their site, which can be a limitation or a benefit, depending on your needs.

Fiverr & Online Marketplaces

Important: I'm including Fiverr here because it is one of the most accessible work-for-hire platforms. But generally, steer clear of it. Their reviews from both freelancers and customers aren't great.

Fiverr is a marketplace full of artists and producers ready to create custom songs at a vast range of price points.

The main advantage of marketplaces like Fiverr and Upwork is the selection, but you'll need to invest time in finding the right artist for your project.

Can AI Make Custom Songs?

The short answer is NO. I wouldn't give my girlfriend a song generated by AI like or any other. They don't meet the standard of being a heartfelt gift. The technology hasn't reached a point where it can replace the nuanced creativity of a human musician.

Similarly, while AI can mimic voices, there isn't yet a solution for changing song lyrics to your specifications through AI alone.

So, Is It Worth It?

Custom songs offer a deeply personal touch to music gifts, providing a unique way to celebrate special occasions. With companies like Music Made Pro and Songfinch making the process more accessible and affordable, custom songs are becoming a popular choice for those looking to give something memorable.

The cost of a custom song can vary depending on the provider and the level of customization. Usually, you can expect to pay under $300.

With advancements in home recording technology and the emergence of AI, the process of creating custom songs will likely become even more affordable.

Whether you're a last-minute shopper, someone looking for a deeply personalized gift, or a business that needs original music, the world of custom songs has something to offer.