Suno Music Producer

· By Will Harken

Getting Truly Creative With Suno AI Music

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I've got to admit, Suno version 3 is blowing me away. I never thought software could produce usable AI tracks this quickly. The vocals still need work, but for instrumental and backing tracks, Suno is now my go-to. You can create original backing tracks for videos that need no extra editing. Insane, right?
Want to make flawless vocals to replace Suno’s? Check out my AI Vocal Engineering Series.
Here’s a quick AI-generated summary of this article:

Many Pros Will Rely On AI Soon

Tasks once taking over 10 hours can now be done in 1. But, it does come with a loss of originality. Innovating a new sound or genre? Not quite the same.

Most listeners don’t crave true originality though. They want familiar beats. Snare on 2 and 4, you know?

Sure, Suno might hit my backing track sales and shake up the industry, but it's fascinating. It’s seriously cool. Peeking under Suno's AI hood versus hard-coded rules? A dream come true.

Music Dream Come True

Maximizing Suno for Music Production

Visual artists use tools like Midjourney for a start. Similarly, music producers can leverage Suno. Importing Suno audio into software like Ableton lets you refine and mix different pieces, enhancing your final product.

Let’s dive into how you can get creative with Suno, especially if you're aiming for public music releases. It’s about adding that extra sparkle, making the AI's creation uniquely yours.

For perfectionists, remixing Suno’s results manually brings you closer to your vision than just relying on its built-in features.

If you prefer a done-for-you option to modify Suno songs, reach out with your details here.

Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is crucial for music production. Experiment with how different prompts affect Suno's output. You’ll see websites dedicated to Suno prompts soon, if they don’t exist already.

Modifying Layers

Extracting stems and adjusting the mix adds depth and individuality. Tools like Spleeter or help isolate layers like drums, bass, and piano. This lets you adjust mixes or replace entire layers to suit your vision.

Changing chords of melodic layers to match your melody can transform a track. Tools within DAWs like Ableton’s repitch function or pitch correction plugins make this easy. Isolate the stems first to modify only the necessary parts.

Recreate certain instruments with an AI synth like Synplant.

Close-up of a Music Producer's Hands

Adding Layers

Adding effects layers brings new dimensions. Sounds from nature, urban environments, or unique risers via plugins can enhance your track. These additions enrich your song’s narrative or auditory experience, making it stand out.

Incorporating samples from other songs or creating new ones to complement your tracks can be creative. Balance volumes and use techniques like sidechain compression to avoid clashing layers. Generate specific layers for songs using Stable Audio (try "drums only" prompts, for example).

Coming Up With Missing Sections

Suno can help beat writer’s block. Stuck on a part of your song? Use Suno's output as the bridge or verse you need.

A bit of tweaking—sometimes a lot—can seamlessly integrate Suno’s creations into your pieces, tying it all together.

Adding Your Own Vocals or AI Vocals

To customize vocals further, tools like Jammable can refine or change the vocal output completely. Layer your own vocals or AI vocals over Suno’s for a touch that fully synthesized vocals can’t quite achieve alone.

Additional Information

For more on AI’s impact on music production and innovative tools, check out how AI is revolutionizing music and the best text-to-music AI tools.

If you want me to modify your Suno songs, get in touch here or use the video widget below.

As we explore AI in music, remember: the tools are as powerful as your creativity. Dive into Suno. Experiment. Discover new musical horizons.