AI Music Brain Simulation

· By Will Harken

How To Simulate A Musical Brain With AI

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Within the next century, artificial intelligence (AI) will be able to simulate ANY person. This capability extends into many domains, but I'm a music guy. So I'm going to make it about music 😂. AI's potential to emulate musical brains opens new frontiers - and challenges - for musical expression.

Here is an AI summary of the article below.

We're On Our Way, Whether It's Right Or Wrong

Already, we can interact with digital mimics of our favorite celebrities via DM or even “revive” lost voices. While thrilling for many, these developments come with big ethical implications.

Yes, the George Carlin AI standup was bad. And the authors who are calling this tech an abomination are leaning on the fact that it was bad.

I hate to break it to you - AI is going to get better. 

I am not here to tell you what's right and wrong.

I am here to tell you what is probably going to happen.

The prospect of AI, not just mimicking, but enhancing musical creation by simulating the intricacies of a human's musical brain is both exciting and daunting.

A Glimpse into AI's Potential in Music

The idea of copying a brain to run inside a virtual machine might sound like science fiction, but with the recent introduction of LLMs and exponential tech improvements, I don't think it's too far away.

Such a development could allow an AI version of oneself to undertake music composition, leveraging personal experiences, stylistic preferences, and creative processes. However, as seen in cautionary tales like the show, Black Mirror, ethical and moral dilemmas ARE EVERYWHERE.

Illustration of ethical dilemmas in AI music

Imagine a tool that allowed you to access the musical writing style of any specific human. These models could be trained on a vast array of data, from Spotify playlists to personal collections of lyrics and songs.

The aim would be to create a digital thumbprint of an individual’s musical mind, capable of generating new content that reflects one’s unique style and influences.

The concept of AI trained on the specific human experiences, automatically updating based on life data, is not far-fetched. Especially with the futurists trying to put chips into our brains...

In the shorter term, it might resemble accessing a hard drive of personal musical ideas, allowing an AI to generate content that mirrors one’s creative essence. Such a future underscores the potential of AI to become a deeply personalized tool in music creation.

Future of AI in Music

AI Clone Feasibility & My Plan

Despite potential misuses of AI, I maintain that AI is a tool, not the creator itself. At least for now.

The vast majority of current AI music isn't good. I have to say though - Suno might have just let the genie out of the bottle.

As we push the boundaries of processing and storage capabilities, the idea of “musical thumbprints” becomes increasingly plausible. 

Saving Brain Storage Space

Compression will be the key here.

You can understand roughly the same information from video that's half resolution, right?

By understanding what details humans truly remember and "process", we can save space. Such compression would allow AI to simulate human-like experiences and thought processes without the need to process the same amount of data that humans do.

Training On More Than The Final Result

I may be crazy, but I'm all for creating a music clone of myself.

In order to achieve something like this, I believe you would need a database of both my artistic process + artistic results. This could serve as a foundation for future people or AI models to mimic my process.

Right now, AI is built around training on only results. Not the process.

And I think that might be an important key in creating truly artistically capable AI... or maybe the smart guys and gals will figure out how to do it a different way.

The Ethical Landscape of AI in Music

The potential to “revive” personalities and creative voices through AI raises profound ethical questions. I try to consider BOTH the opportunities and risks.

The acceptance of data sharing for convenience’s sake suggests a future where digital clones could become commonplace.

No one reads privacy policies and your phone can predict what you are going to buy next. No one cares.

The accuracy and authenticity of these personality simulations will depend greatly on the available data, with recent figures and personalities offering more fidelity than historical or less documented individuals.

From recreating Mozart’s compositions in new genres to generating never-before-heard pieces by contemporary artists, the transformative potential of AI is obvious.

Yet, it also emphasizes the need for thoughtful consideration of privacy, consent, and the legacy of creative works.

AI Music Is Surprisingly Good

Looking Ahead: AI and the Overflow of Content

The proliferation of AI-generated content presents huge challenges and opportunities in content curation.

The future of music discovery will rely on sophisticated algorithms capable of navigating vast libraries of music to recommend truly resonant pieces.

Where - I hope - a genuine human touch will be paramount.

The integration of AI into creative processes signifies not just a technological shift but a cultural one. As artists and creators increasingly collaborate with AI, the distinction between tool and artist blurs, inviting us to reconsider the nature of creativity and artistic authenticity.

Many would say music already died with the birth of electronic music and sampling.

In my opinion, it just gave greater access and options for creativity. To be fair, many musicians do not use that technology in a particularly creative way.

And it will be the same with AI.

Many will use AI as a way to kick crap out the door and hope it sells. And others will try to say something important with the music they are creating.

This journey is just beginning, and I'm stoked to explore the possibilities that lie at the intersection of AI and musical creativity.

Curious to read more about AI's impact on music? Explore my other articles:

Embracing AI in music is not just about adopting new tools for efficiency. It's about opening new doors to creativity, expression, and connection.