AI music generators

· By Will Harken

AI Music Generators: Everything You Need to Know

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Discover how AI music generators are revolutionizing the music industry. Imagine creating full demo-quality songs with just a few clicks—AI tools like Suno and Udio make this possible.

Impact on the Music Industry

Brace yourself. The music industry is about to get a whole lot more crowded. 🎵

With tools like Udio and Suno, creating music is becoming easier than ever. In just a week of tinkering, someone could become pretty efficient at churning out tunes. Sure, we're not talking radio-ready hits just yet, but that quality gap? It's closing fast.

Here's the kicker: instead of wrestling with both technical and story-telling hurdles, creators can now focus solely on the story they want to tell. It's like skipping the hard part and jumping straight to the fun stuff.

But there's a flip side. This flood of new music is going to dilute artist brand power even further. Forget about another Michael Jackson – even today's biggest stars can't reach that level of recognition. The pie's getting sliced thinner and thinner.

It's a double-edged sword: the best time to be an artist creatively, but perhaps the worst if you're trying to make a living from it. My advice? If you're in it for the money, maybe look elsewhere. But that's not exactly groundbreaking wisdom, is it?


Still, new opportunities are popping up. Take my company – we're using AI to let people change lyrics of popular songs. It's a whole new ballgame. Visit this page to create personalized music + audio and see what's possible.

Imagine one-person record labels, churning out a massive volume of music based on their unique style. Or automatic remixing – taking a song from one genre and instantly transforming it for a different audience. The possibilities are ENDLESS.

Top AI Music Generators

Right now, Suno and Udio are leading the pack. 🏆

I've done a deep dive on these two in another article, so check out The 2 Best AI Music Generators (Which One Wins?) for the full breakdown.

But here's the quick and dirty: use both. Generate initial concepts with each, pick the best, and build from there. If I had to choose one, I'd lean towards Udio. It's more likely to spit out something commercially viable, with better overall quality and more authentic-sounding vocals.

That said, Suno has its strengths. It's usually quicker to finish a track. And both recently added audio upload features, letting you create music based on existing audio you own.

Of course, there are other players in the game, and you can bet more are coming. But for now, these two are your best bet for creating AI-generated tunes.

AI Robot Court

Buckle up, because we're diving into murky waters. 🌊

Just as I started writing this, both Suno and Udio got slapped with lawsuits from record labels. Sound familiar? It's the same song and dance we saw with OpenAI – claims that these companies used public data to train their models without permission.

Here's my take: the labels aren't trying to stop the tech. They're trying to squeeze as much money out of it as they can before it changes everything.

This debate splits crowds. Some argue these AI companies should pay artists when they use their work to train models. Others say it's no different than a human studying and learning from existing music.

Me? I'm in the camp that thinks AI companies should be allowed to train on whatever they want. It won't matter in the end anyway – open-source alternatives are coming, whether we like it or not.

The hard ethical line for me is misrepresentation. Generate all you want, but don't claim an artist said or did something they didn't. Luckily, there are SOME existing laws that can step in to protect people.

Bottom line: it's the wild west out here. You've got to decide your own ethical stance on how AI should be used. And as for the law? Well, let's just say the U.S. isn't exactly known for keeping up with tech advancements.

Brief History of A I Music Generators

Let's take a quick trip down memory lane. 🕰️

While AI in music has been around in some form for decades, the real game-changer was OpenAI's Jukebox. You might know OpenAI for ChatGPT now, but Jukebox was one of their first forays into A I generated creativity.

The ideas were cool, but the quality? Unusable. My guess is they scrapped it to focus on text-based stuff like ChatGPT. It's probably a lot easier to train models on text than audio.

Fast forward to 2020 - 2022. Lots of claims about AI-generated music, but most were, frankly, BS. They needed a ton of human hand-holding to make anything decent. popped up in 2023. Not really AI - more like clever stem arrangement - but I was still impressed at the time. Higher production quality, but less flexible and no lyrics or vocals.

Later in 2023 came the real deal: tools like Udio and Suno. Minimal input, fully fleshed-out songs. Quality's not quite radio-ready, but it's getting there fast.

Suno launched in December 2023, Udio followed in April 2024. 

Woman listens to music

Who Can Benefit from AI Music Generators?

Here's the kicker: pretty much EVERYONE can benefit from these tools. 🌟

Need a fresh gym playlist? Check. Soundtrack for your indie film? Done. The ability to generate music on the fly is incredibly powerful, with uses we're probably not even imagining yet.

But here's a hot take: even professional producers can benefit. I know, I know – many are dead set against AI. But as a producer myself, I see the writing on the wall. These tools will be part of almost every producer's workflow soon enough.

Sure, there will always be purists. Just like there are still artists who sketch by hand. And that's cool! There's room for both approaches.


The key is adaptability. The industry's changing monthly, sometimes daily. There's no rulebook here – it's all about experimenting until you find what works.

Whether you're looking to make money in AI music or just survive in the evolving industry, flexibility is your best friend. Check out our personalized music and audio creation service to see how we're riding this wave.

Remember, it's not about replacing human creativity – it's about enhancing it. Use these tools to amplify your ideas, not replace them. The future of music is a collaboration between human ingenuity and AI assistance. Are you ready for it?